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دسته: Sober living

Why Does Alcohol Give Me a Headache? A Doctor’s Tips for Imbibing

The most common signs and symptoms are stuffy nose and skin flushing. Some of these effects are caused by ethanol itself, and others are from an even more toxic byproduct of its metabolism called acetaldehyde. This chemical builds up in the blood as the liver breaks down the alcohol into a form that can be …

Why Does Alcohol Give Me a Headache? A Doctor’s Tips for Imbibingادامه مطلب

8 Things That Can Happen When You Stop Drinking Alcohol

Plus, when you have better sleep quality and more energy from being alcohol-free. While not everyone will lose weight when they stop drinking, you may lose some. This timeline is a broad estimate of what will happen and when after a dependent drinker has their last alcoholic drink. When you give up alcohol, having been …

8 Things That Can Happen When You Stop Drinking Alcoholادامه مطلب

12 Illegal Street Drugs: Krokodil, Molly, Flakka, and More

It’s made from a combination of pseudoephedrine, a common ingredient in cold medications, along with other toxic chemicals. It causes someone to see, hear, and feel things that seem real, but aren’t. These hallucinations, called “trips,” can last as long as 12 hours. It’s a combination of several harmful chemicals including codeine, iodine, gasoline, paint …

12 Illegal Street Drugs: Krokodil, Molly, Flakka, and Moreادامه مطلب

Behavior Modification to Help Your Child

Animals also do not typically respond as strongly, or at all, to being observed as humans do. This takes away one problem for studying human behaviors, where just being watched can strongly impact what people do. The control group, whose supervisors weren’t exposed to behavior modification techniques, showed none of these improvements. Provide instruction in …

Behavior Modification to Help Your Childادامه مطلب